Lots of painting today. So, soldier C and I cleaned Helena our 105 for her temporary black paint job in order to go to the Packwood flee market next week. They are going to be the perfect matched set when the top s cleaned off.
Sorry for the short post, but we are really chasing the tiger's tail at this point.
Short and sweet tonight. Took both the girls out today and the were a huge hit. While setup we noticed Ramona was leaking from just behind the engine so, a rear main seal may be in the very near future.
Well folks, as it worked out today Soldier A's dream has come to fruition. In ten years of marriage I have never seen him this dipshit giddy.
The morning started with trying to blow out the fuel lines only to find some sort of inline fuel filter that was hidden and totally plugged. So the boys just replaced the whole fuel line set and threw in a visible fuel filter right before the carb. Remember, this is not a multi fuel.
They also drained and flushed the fuel tank, and it had some really nasty stuff in it. So, she is absolutely purring again. The quality of a 60 + year old motor is amazing! Really makes us wish America was back in those days again.
The air assist brakes were a little sqishy so we got a friend to come and flat bed her home for safety's sake. I'm sure soldier A is going to sleep outside with her tonight. LOL!
Now home, the minions are all over trying to make her a show piece.
We owe all of our followers a huge back load of updates and pictures and we will get 'er done. But today was one of those life fulfilling moments in Soldier A's life.
Since he was 8, soldier A has been in love with the M211. So, it looks like this girl might be coming home with us tomorrow. Never seen a bigger smile on soldier A's face. Needs the fuel lines blown out and the old gas drained but she purrs like a kitten otherwise.