What a productive day! Soldier A got the rest of the rafters installed and got the front panel installed, despite the above 90 degree heat and relentless sun beating down on him. Too bad he forgot to put on the sunscreen this morning! Soldier B brought back some more materials and supplies, including a chunk of carpet for comfort while in the rolling palace. Tomorrow should see even more progress since Soldier B has the day off to help with the construction process. And sunscreen will be slathered generously before venturing outside. Lots of small stuff like blocking and bolting will make tomorrow very busy.
Rafters have been raised! Soldier A was busy all day cutting and getting the first series of rafters installed on the monster RV. If all goes well, the rest will be in place by tomorrow evening. The bummer of the day was having to cancel our appearance at Tunes @ Tapps this evening because the walls are not yet anchored to the truck bed, and that might be a bit of a safety issue if we tried to drive Tiff in her current condition!
We will do our best to get the box fastened down by tomorrow evening to make the Music in the Park in Buckley. For now, it's well deserved showers and a couple of cold beers for a job well underway!
IT HAS BEGUN!! The construction of the Monster RV is officially underway and she is going to be something the likes of which have not been seen. Got two of the wall sections erected while the neighbors watched and questioned whether Soldier A had lost his mind. All Soldier B could say when she got home was "holy shit!". The sheer magnitude of this thing is ridiculous; it is now taller than the house! But, it will be well within the height limit of the DOT, so Tiffany won't be bringing any bridges down. We are looking forward to showing you all the progression of the build, with many photos to come.
It's starting! The start of the construction of the RV box on the back of Tiff is about to begin even though we are in the holy shit point of the year. Lots of clean up and prep took place around the motor pool today, so we could go pick up the first load of materials.
They are here now and it's game on from this point forward.
Orting Summerfest! What an awesome experience! We took Tiff down to Orting and she had a blast! Parked in the center of town, she just couldn't help but be a bit of a show off. The event was awesome and run by a top notch crew that kept everything running like a race car pit crew. NASCAR eat your heart out! Pit crew pictures included ;-) This is something we will be involved in again next year if all things go our way. As always Tiff had the kids screaming and begging to get in her;
we're working on that.Then the fairy princesses showed up to give Tiff their blessing!
Then there was the always looming security issue because we are currently stuck between crime families and drug dealers on both sides of the motor pool. So, today was the installation of the door locks as well.
Back in Buckley for the MUSIC IN THE PARK! Tonight was too much fun. Matilda insisted on leading Tiffany out to the concert tonight. The entertainment was excellent. Prior to the concert the Buckley PD Guys brought out their toys to play with the big girls. Tonight was an absolute blast. We did the bead give away and hand out to support the nations fire fighters as well.
Matilda has decided that she will lead the pack, not Tiffany, and she was on the field tonight to prove it. RUST ON THE RAILS! This sound was totally new to us here at the motor pool, but they were way cool.
Lots of friends came out and this was a total party evening!