Went down to see our friends at PFS to move the muffler and get the tire crane out of the way, so we can get on with the cab over build.
R has a bad ass crew and the new exhaust is raging loud!
Tried really hard to wrap up the rear end today, but Soldier A is just so anal!
Got the passenger side rear column done after arguing about a 16th of an inch for an hour. We are now ready to put the door in, but have to go to the truck doctor Friday and move the muffler for the pass through and cab over build.
Inventory is really starting to suffer so it's time to tie some more knots!
Started getting serious about closing up the rear of the box today. Soldier A had to remove the temporary wall and rebuild the wall for the door rough in. With luck this will be wrapped up tomorrow.
Also got the rear column done on the driver's side as well.
What a fucking awesome day!!!!
So, Mrs. H brought Mr. H over today to teach Soldier A about fiberglass. Mr. H is widely considered the best race boat builder on the globe these days. With luck things will be getting sealed up really soon.
Some things are starting to get buttoned up, but there is lots left to be done. Until the exhaust stack is moved we can't build out the overhead sleeping area, but with luck that will happen in a few days. So, Soldier A is closing up everything he can.
What really sucks, is the fact that the weather is going South on us in the next few days.
Well the structural blocking on the driver's side of the box is done for now. This should give all the support needed for the gull wing door attachment. After this was finished Soldier A started on the roof blocking.
Back to the RV construction! Yeah, it took a week to clean up and recover from Packwood. There was also the catch up factor in producing team bracelets for the sales crew. So, today was the first day Soldier A was able to get back in construction mode.
New scaffold and the structural blocking was underway. This structural enhancement is necessary to support the gull wing door system. Once all the reinforcements are in place the skin can be installed and ready for the fiberglass.
Well, we made it through another crazy event in Packwood! My, the stories that will be told for years to come following the big Labor Day flea market frenzy in that beautiful scenic little town.

Soldier A hit the road bright and squirrelly at 06:00 in Tiffany to get set up and begin the festivities with Big C, Chief, and the rest of the wild bunch. He had just enough time to get the box partially built and get a cover over the top of her to keep the living quarters dry and comfy before the trip down.
Of course, Packwood wouldn't be what it is without a large volume of alcohol, and in this instance, moonshine. Ah yes, that white lightning, flavored like decadent apple pie, proved to get the best of Soldier A. While feeling bulletproof after a night of drinking and bullshitting on Big C's deck, he tried to carry too much up the boarding ladder and fell into the back of the truck, breaking his fall with his forehead. Yeah, that one left a mark.
The weather did not want to cooperate and the rain came down in buckets for the first 5 days, leaving the field soaked and patience worn thin. Had a little trouble with the guns in the gallery for a bit, due to the climate, but got the bugs worked out.
Soldier B got to spend Friday night with the Pack and had a blast! By Saturday morning the weather had turned warm and sunny and spirits were high once again. Tiffany was her usual self, drawing oohs and aahs from the crowd.
We have returned home to base and are getting ramped up for an incredible football season!