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Saturday, September 8, 2018


As anticipated, after a good once-over with the air file it was obvious that the end wall would need a second touch up coat of fairing compound. So, tomorrow is going to be material chasing and final sanding of this end.

Friday, September 7, 2018


After a good round with the sander this morning we got the 4th layer of sheets on the first end wall. Weather was mild, so dry time was slow, but we did manage to get a coat of fairing compound on before the day ended.

With luck we can hit the end with the air file tomorrow and then dress things out with a light final coat of compound and another section will be done.

Thursday, September 6, 2018


Today began the fabric and epoxy application on the walls of the bumper car track. The used dryer sheets really worked well on the bottom of the track. It seems to be worth the extra time it takes to apply them rather than large sheets of glass, and we are recycling. 

Only bummer of the day is the dry time did not allow us to get four layer on as we had hoped for. So, last layer tomorrow after a scuff sanding first.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


That final thin skim coat of fairing compound absolutely did the trick! After a real good sanding with the air file the bottom of the bumper car track came out almost    as nice as the top of the slot car track table.

   So, we prepped the first end wall for fabric tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


After a good run over with the air file Soldier A decided that one more very thin coat of fairing compound would be the best way to get everything to lay down for the final coat of epoxy. After that it's time for primer and bed liner. 

Monday, September 3, 2018


Third day of Soldier A being back on the projects. After a couple of hours with the air file, it is apparent that there will need to be a final thin coat of fairing compound to fill the imperfections that still remain on the bottom of the bumper car track.