As of late there has been a great deal of research and knowledge acquisition about the upcoming build of the new bobbed truck. We are now set on going with the technique of using 105 trailer frame sections and springs for the job. This method has been proven time and time again by many others like 100Dollarman in California. He has built plenty of trucks using this system.

We are going to take things to the next level and the Colonel may have to get involved in the engineering. We are looking for bomb-proof, safe and reliable. That's a tall order running 53's on a bobbed deuce, and we don't need 8 or 10 inches of lift; we are looking for the rat rod kinda look.
There seem to be a lot of advantages to using this type of setup. The springs end up outboard several inches on each side and this obviously creates a wider and more stable stance. We also get to use the overload springs in the event that if we ever need to load the bed we are covered in load capacity. Unloaded, the 105 springs have the same number of leaves but a different thickness of steel and different taper. That means a bit of a softer ride on a daily basis.
Probably the best part of this plan is the fact that we have almost everything we need to accomplish this mission, as soldier A never throws anything away.
There will be more engineering post to follow and all technical comments are welcome. We need all the help we can get.
Today was a chore day. Lots of maintenance around the motor pool grounds. We also needed to start getting the mini shop cleaned up and reorganized as it seems to have become a dumping ground for waste fuels and other things to the point of hardly being able to get a foot inside. Not really a standard setter by any means but at least we can walk in the shop again.
So friends, we are way overdue for posts and updating. Those who are following us will have to forgive us. Things have been moving very fast and it would suffice to say, in directions we never expected.
Today we had to make the ultimate decision. Are we adding a 5 ton truck to the family or is Hilda, the still 6x6 deuce, becoming a show/display truck? Without a doubt we are moving into new territory that we had not planned on but we, as many other Americans, want to survive our current situation and have a retirement that we can enjoy and survive. So, this little business we started seems to be worth pursuing.
Several other people/companies in the country have built awesome bobbed trucks to promote their businesses. so we want to follow suit. In the coming months we will be doing just that, and hope it will move along quickly as we have been asked to attend several events lately.
The hardest choice was to make the earth roamer truck into a bobbed job. We just couldn't get out of the multi fuel arena. Traveling from show location to show location on recycled fuels is as green as you can get and we don't want to get away from that.
There may be a little more involved in the monstering of a deuce but others have led the way and it seems to be worth it in the end. All opinions are welcome before we start to get busy out here in the back yard.
We will, of course, be seeking all the help and expertise we can get in this process, and then there will be the vending trailer build!!!
We spent the weekend at the park in the town of South Prairie. We are getting so much more efficient at setting up the big top display.
Over the course of the weekend we had good sales and met some really cool people and a couple of beautiful little furry people. Mrs. H came to hang out and BS, and we got to see D our favorite PC Deputy both days. D of course is always worth tons of good laughs and stories.
Overall it was another awesome weekend!
So, for the last two days we have been hangin out on the corner in town peddling our wares and letting Matilda strut her stuff for the kids and lovers of great American iron. The weather was great this weekend, compared to the log show and it just felt great to be outside with Mrs. H and big trucks.
We also got visited by V both days, out there busting his ass to keep us all safe, as usual.
On a side note, we are way behind on postings so bear with us and we will catch up on all the fun events that have been going on.