Looks like a lot of hard working people got had this weekend. Hard to believe there are people that would dupe so many others during the holiday season.

Total patron attendance this weekend was probably less than 400. With 50 plus vendors, that meant most went home in the hole and hungry. Our hearts go out to all of them.
As we started to make the rounds and talk to most of them we found out that almost every vendor was a first timer. The few that were returns said that this was pretty much the same thing as last year.
All of a sudden it became very clear that this whole thing was a work. It seems that for the last four or five years this crew has been going out and soliciting an entire new group of vendors for a supposed Christmas event that is really just a joke!

There is next to no attendance and they serve the food at a charge to each booth as well. The average vendor went home in the hole, while this crew walked away with between 3 to 5 grand.
How do you live with yourself doing this at Christmas???
So, we packed up and headed home, looking for a way to make up for our losses before X-Mas.,
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