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Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Today was one of those days that proves, when it rains it pours. This was supposed to be the day of final detailing Matilda for the log show, yet it proved to be a day of complication.

Soldier A took her to the car wash to clean the under carriage before the touch up painting, and found a ripped rubber boot on the driver's side steering knuckle. So, we have tried a temporary seam seal patch and refill of the grease that leaked out. Hopefully this will get us through the weekend that we have been working so hard for.

On the positive side, soldier B picked up some really killer tire cleaning products, and by the end of the day, the tires on Matilda looked like brand new.

Thursday, June 5, 2014


Great day again today! Got a visit from V with good news on fuel sources. We also got our last display built and painted with the base coat and first texture coat. There was also a lot of motor pool area maintenance to be done, and it ate up a lot of the day, but we will recover tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Got the buckets filled with concrete for the leg bottoms of the display. Once everything is dry and hardened up we will take some measurements and drill the adjustment holes. We also got the brackets fabbed for the line down the sides of the truck to hang leashes and leads.

Monday, June 2, 2014


Cleaning and paint were the chores of the day today. We set up the display yesterday, to see if everything was going to workout the way we wanted, but the second part of the frame work had not been cleaned, primed, and painted yet. So, today was spent with the old grinder and wire wheel in hand, doing that very thing.

All the parts got cleaned up really well and primed, but only three sides got painted because this textured stuff dries so slow. We will get to that tomorrow ;-)

All that is left to do is mixing some concrete for the footer buckets and making a few brackets to hold merchandise out for display, rather than just laying on the tables.

Sunday, June 1, 2014


June started with a bang today. We set up the rolling big top display for the very first official time. Even though it was just outside of the motor pool (as in the front yard) we actually did some good business. Set up wasn't bad as far as time is concerned. So, we will be practicing every time we set up until we are lightning fast.

This afternoon, Mrs. H came by and brought her mother Ms. L. Got to have some great laughs and a beer before having to call it a day, but this was a great weekend!