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Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Today is the beginning of what we hope will be the final completion of one of our most popular and fun attractions: The shooting range!

In 2017 we did a ground platform that worked, but it was messy and costly to set up. We are going to turn the extended chassis into the rolling shooting range and at a later date get a M989 with the fold down sides to construct our mobile, non-ground platform, tank battle field.

So the first step was to move the chassis into the RV bay and get the M105 out of the way. Soldier A was not up to doing it by himself so, D came over with his son Stretch and they got them restaged.

So, today Soldier A swapped the tires so he can get the wheel well dimensions right. We have found some XML tires that are the same size as the 14.50's that we're using for the fitting and construction, but they will match what we have on the Dragon Wagon. He's gonna to be hurtin tomorrow!  😅

Friday, January 26, 2018


Today while shopping at the local Wallyworld, we got a nice visit from V, who was in town wrapping things up before heading back over to the East side of the state. The new homestead is coming along well for him and the lovely wife. As we were chatting in the parking lot we were joined by some of our neighbors in the community, who happened to know V and asked for a photo-op in front of the Dragon Wagon. We were happy to oblige and it made their day!

Sunday, January 14, 2018


So, we made it through the holidays spending a large part of the last 3 weeks in doctors offices or labs getting more testing done on Soldier A. He is still not doing well but there are a lot of people working on fixing him.

In the mean time, we are continuing the construction of the new mobile RC rock crawler race track that we are adding to our attractions this year. Of course we are still having to do it in the front room of the house because the weather still sucks.

Soldier A did an experiment using epoxy resin and used dryer sheets to cover the Styrofoam for strength and it turned out possibly stronger than the fiberglass. Who knew??? So, now we get to reuseall of those used softening sheets instead of throwing them in the trash and we can save the fiberglass for the Dragon Wagon.