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Thursday, February 27, 2020


Yesterday was devoted to chores around the motor pool. Today was back to the bathroom in the Mega Camper. Got the last two walls done and still had time to install the last section of ceiling now that the DOT lights are installed. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2020


Got the largest wall of the bathroom skinned today. Doing it by himself, Soldier A said it was a bit tricky and he thought he lost it a couple of times. In the end it came out awesome. The bathroom in Tiffany is coming out better than the one in our house.😂

Saturday, February 22, 2020

2/22/2020 -B

Got more time in on the paracord inventory which is going to be our biggest and best ever. We are starting to have sore hands again.

Now for the progress of the day. 👍 We tested the new temporary shower unit and it worked well. Hot showers even before we finish the plumbing. Yay!

Finished the rest of the sanding in the bathroom followed by a boat load of cleanup and prep work for the installation of the final laminated goods. Pay off was worth every sore muscle.

Got the main floor cut glued and installed. Soldier A being himself did the install without a respirator and went to bed with a glue hangover. That's on him!

2/22/2020 - A

Great day! This is actually going to take a couple of post. for starters we got an awesome call from Big A the owner of Suave TV. 

Looks like the Dragon Wagon is going to Tacoma for Cinco De Mayo. If the Suave crew is hooking up with the Dragon Wagon team, you know it's going to be a great time. Everybody is invited!

Here is the poster and we will add details on our 2020 schedule page.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020


More sanding and still waiting for the paint to dry out on the form boards. The flooring tiles arrived this afternoon and we think the combination is going to work very well. 

Sunday, February 16, 2020


As we had hoped we got to do a little bit of sanding followed by a lot of cleanup and epoxy.

That's somewhat of an understatement! We mixed and rolled epoxy until our hands hurt so bad we could hardly mix or hold the roller handle anymore. Tons of progress and worth the pain. 😂

Saturday, February 15, 2020


Got a bit of time in on the paracord inventory this morning and then it was back to our not favorite thing in the world. Sanding!

By the end of the evening we just had to add a bit of extra fairing compound that we will sand down first thing in the morning. Soldier A is so anal about everything being perfect.

The ceiling floated in very nice. and we can't wait to get started with the final dressing.

Friday, February 14, 2020


It seems like we always have a million things going on at once around the motor pool. But, it's valentine's Day! So, since Soldier A had to take the Dragon Wagon into town to pick up the wall tiles, he made sure to bring a treat of balloons and flowers to Soldier B. 💖 Major point score!

Back at the motor pool the boxes of wall tile had to be unloaded and cut open so they can acclimate to the environment up here. They are actually real wood not ceramic tile. 

Got right outside after that to insulate and finish the bathroom ceiling once and for all. Another milestone, be it ever so slight. 😁

Then it was back to finishing up the sanding and final coat of fairing compound so we can sand that for the multiple coats of epoxy that will be rolled over the entire inside of the bathroom, making everything completely water and mold proof. Hoping to get all of the final sanding done tomorrow and the epoxy coats on Sunday. Then the actual bath finish can start.

We rounded out the day picking a floor tile that we think will make a nice contrast to the wall wood.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


Got it on today and laid in the 2nd and 3rd fabric layers in the shower pan. Then after things started to set up we ran over everything with a coat of smooth fairing compound.

We'll sand this down tomorrow and see where we're at.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Short break in the weather allowed us to hit the big orange box and get the form boards. This will probably be the last construction material we haul in the Dragon Wagon.

Once we start the main cabin floor this will be our home on the road not a cargo truck. But, we needed the form boards so we can seal them against the rain


Monday, February 10, 2020


More lights and doctors! Doctor appointment got in the way of major progress today but we did manage to get the new flood/spot lights on the rear of the Dragon Wagon and the wires pulled through the walls and out the bottom of the bed.

Now we can close up the rear ceiling once and for all. That means final build out can start. 

Saturday, February 8, 2020


Dust everywhere! That was the days result of sanding down the first layer of fabric and fill coats in the shower pan. Tomorrow will be clean up and the next round. with luck we can tag team this and get all of the final layers in in one day to cut out the in between sanding sessions that slow things up so much. 

Thursday, February 6, 2020


Got the first layer of fabric down in the shower pan today with a couple of heavy fill coats on top. then Soldier A couldn't resist hooking up one of the new light bars to a DeWalt battery to see how they work.

They are awesome!

Wednesday, February 5, 2020


Lights are hear yay! The Trail master light bars we ordered for the four corners of the Dragon Wagon are here.

These are awesome, they come with a complete wiring harness. Switch and relay are already wired in for a very simple installation. Except in our case! 😅

We will have to extend the wiring to get from the back of the rig to the cab. The motor pool has a new member and a plan.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


Continued in the bathroom today. More cope removal and fairing compound in the areas that need it.

Soldier A won't be happy until everything is close to flawless and ready for the finish materials.